This gallery contains 72 photos.
Charlie’s Children’s Charities would like to thank all of our wonderful sponsors and volunteers for all their generosity and commitment for making the 7th annual B-B-Q on the beach & Fun day for the Orphan children a resounding success. The aim of CCC is to continue to make a difference to the lives of … Continue reading
This gallery contains 22 photos.
Thank you to everyone who donated. God bless you. ขอขอบคุณสำหรับการบริจาคของคุณ We make a living by what we get, We make a life by what we give. เราสร้างความเป็นอยู่ ดว้ยสิ่งที่เราหาได้ และสร้างคุณภาพชีวิตโดยการให้
Charlie’s children’s Charities would like to thank all of our wonderful sponsors and volunteers for all their generosity and commitment for making the 4th annual B-B-Q on the beach & Fun day for the orphan children a resounding success. The aim of CCC is to continue to make a difference to the lives of Orphans … Continue reading
[youtube=http://youtu.be/u2IYqAMyJsM] We make a living by what we get, We make a life by what we give. เราสร้างความเป็นอยู่ ดว้ยสิ่งที่เราหาได้ และสร้างคุณภาพชีวิตโดยการให้
This gallery contains 4 photos.
WE are delighted to confirm the of Nakhon orphanage Charity Event. We will be inviting 140 children from ages between 6-17 from the Orphanage in Nahkon Si Tammrat to Nadan beach at the CC Beach Bar, on Saturday 20th September 2014 for beach activity and a beach B-B-Q. Our initiative can only be sustained with … Continue reading
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/104698290] CCC Would like to thank Sophia ‘Granger’ Watkins for for taking part in Ice Bucket Challenge to raise 10,000 baht for the orphan children. Thank you and god bless you. Words from Sophia: My Ice bucket challenge for Charlie’s Children’s Charity & ALS – Huge thanks go to Charles & his … Continue reading
This gallery contains 6 photos.
Donations update and thanks! I want to extend a huge Thank You to everyone who responded so quickly and generously and made this Appeal a monumental success! In 48 hours, we managed to raise a wonderful total 32750.00 THB in mostly small donations from more than 20 generous folks. That’s more than 160% of our … Continue reading
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