3rd Annual BBQ on the Beach & Fun Day for the Orphan Children

Charlie’s children’s Charities would like  to thank all of our wonderful sponsors and  volunteers  for all their generosity and commitment for making  the 3rd annual B-B-Q on the beach & Fun day for the orphan children a resounding success. The aim of CCC is to continue to make a difference to the lives of Orphans in our community.  Our focus and commitment to helping orphans and healing lives is made possible because of our wonderful donators and their tremendous show of support at our events..

Our heartfelt gratitude to you is echoed by the Children and our staff.  Your support of events such as this makes us stronger in everything that we do – and we thank you for continuing to be a part of our story!

Thank you once again for your generous support and we hope you will continue to support our next and future charity events.
For Donations for the next years event, please contact CC Beach Bar on www.ccbeachbarthai.com

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